Frequently Asked Questions about Analytics for Intel® Insight Platform





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What analytics are available in the Intel® Insight Platform?

Available analytics depend on the type of project. For example, the analytics for an agriculture project differ from a survey project. Some of the available analytics include:

  • Contour lines (generates contour lines in vector format)
  • Photogrammetry (creates 2D and 3D models from your data) such as:
    • Orthomosaic
    • DSM
    • Point cloud
    • 3D Model
  • Vegetation Encroachment (measures the distance between a utility corridor such as a powerline and the surrounding vegetation)
  • Vehicle Detection (identifies vehicles in an orthomosaic map)
What are contour lines?

Contour lines join points with the same elevation and are based on the digital surface model (DSM).

What formats are available for exporting contour lines?

You can export contour lines in different file formats such as shape files, JSON, or KML. Once exported, you can use the files in CAD, GIS, mapping, or other software.


Why does my project fail if I upload RGB and multispectral data to it?

Insight doesn't currently allow you to upload RGB and multispectral image data into the same project. Upload the RGB dataset and the multispectral dataset separately into a different project.