ID:140116 One or more LogicLock region membership assignments are unused

CAUSE: One or more LogicLock region membership assignments are unused by the Fitter. This may imply that some design elements are not placed inside LogicLock regions as you intended. Possible reasons of unused membership assignment include:
  • The membership assignment is made on a node or an entity instance that does not exist in the design. It could be due to a spelling mistake or due to the Quartus Prime software optimizing away the associated logic.
  • The membership assignment is made using a wildcard expression that does not match any node in the design. Note that wildcard expressions are used to match node names and not a design hierarchy.
  • The membership assignment is completely overridden by a higher priority membership assignment.

ACTION: Review the unused LogicLock region membership assignments. Either update them so that they are used, or remove them if you do not want to see this warning in the future.